Why locally grown matters

Pretty much everybody loves flowers. They're used to celebrate the most important moments in our lives, from weddings to birthdays to anniversaries. But have you ever stopped to consider where those flowers come from? Most of us usually buy flowers from a florist or grocery store, but have you ever thought about supporting local flower farms instead? Here are a few reasons why local flower farming is so important.

1- Local flower farming supports the local economy. When you purchase flowers from a local farm, your money stays right here in Tennessee. This helps to create jobs and supports small businesses. Many local flower farms are family-owned and operated, and purchasing from them helps them to thrive and provide for their families. Plus, when you purchase from a local farm, you can feel good knowing that you're supporting sustainable agriculture practices and helping to preserve open spaces. We practice sustainable farming practices, always keeping the land and local wildlife in mind.

2-Local flowers are fresh and longer-lasting. When you buy flowers from a chain store, they often have to be shipped long distances and may have been sitting in a warehouse for days before they even make it to the store. Local flowers, on the other hand, are picked fresh and in your hands quickly. This means that they last longer and smell better than flowers that have been shipped from far away.

3-They are often more unique and diverse than the flowers you'll find elsewhere. Local flower farms usually grow flowers that are well-suited to your local climate, which means that they'll thrive and support the environment and local wildlife. Here at Harvey Family Farm, we look for species that are native to North East Tennessee, like Rudbeckia (Black-eyed Susan) so they will thrive in our climate & help support the pollinators in our area.

4-Local flower farms often have a lower carbon footprint than flowers that are shipped long distances. When flowers are shipped from overseas, they have to be flown in on planes or shipped on boats, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Local flower farms, on the other hand, often use sustainable agriculture. Plus, when you purchase from a local farm, your flowers don't have to travel as far to get to you, which means that you're reducing your own carbon footprint as well.

5-Buying local flowers can help you to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of the world around you. When you visit a local flower farm, you can see firsthand how the flowers are grown and learn more about the process of farming. You can also see the impact that the seasons and weather have on the flowers, which can deepen your appreciation for the beauty of the natural world. We invite you to sign up for a you-pick date, a workshop, or a yoga class to really get the feel for how our flowers are grown right here on the farm in Johnson City.

There are many reasons to choose local flowers. When you purchase from a local flower farm, you're supporting the local economy, getting fresher and more unique flowers, reducing your carbon footprint, and connecting with nature. So the next time you're in the market for flowers, consider supporting your local flower farm.. Not only will you be making a positive impact on your community and the environment, but you'll also be treating yourself to some of the most beautiful and unique flowers around!


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